Friday, July 29, 2011

benefits of iphone4 when running

I know....but when technology allows us to catch a moment ( and the signal is strong here in this one spot lol). running along and saw a couple standing in the road ahead of me...wondered but continued...until she stopped me like a traffic lady and
right in front of
my eyes

mosquitos frogs and rain oh my

Doesn't sound like much from our angle does it...but to six 10 year olds and their 6 year old helper it is game on.
Give me Green Lake on a sunny day and I will give you the best BC has to offer. I forgot though, how quickly the clouds roll in here. The rain comes down hard and before you know it you are soaked to the bone.
This year I am letting the children set the tone for my holiday. So as the rain soaked our fire and interrupted our marshmallow roasting I watched in pleasure as they quickly switched gears from s'more fest to frog quest. As fast as they could grab flashlights and don their hoodies they were down to the waters edge on a mission. It is easy to get caught up in their enthusiasm so I'm happy to say I'm doing just that. There was another thing I had forgotten. I am a wicked frog finder. :))
Off for my run now. This is the second time I have written this as
Blogger died on me and with the lost signal I lost my script. Got smart this time and used my notebook first then copy and paste. I am unable to download pictures on this weak signal but promise to add later.

Mosquitos, frogs and rain. oh my

Doesn't sound like much from our angle does it...but to six 10 year olds and their 6 year old helper it is game on.
Give me Green Lake on a sunny day and I will give you the best BC has to offer. I forgot though, how quickly the clouds roll in here. The rain comes down hard and before you know it you are soaked to the bone.
This year I am letting the children set the tone for my holiday. So as the rain soaked our fire and interrupted our marshmallow roasting I watched in pleasure as they quickly switched gears from s'more fest to frog quest. As fast as they could grab flashlights and don their hoodies they were down to the waters edge on a mission. It is easy to get caught up in their enthusiasm so I'm happy to say I'm doing just that. There was another thing I had forgotten. I am a wicked frog finder. :))
Off for my run now. This is the second time I have written this as
Blogger died on me and with the lost signal I lost my script. Got smart this time and used my notebook first then copy and paste. I am unable to download pictures on this weak signal but promise to add when I can. cheers!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

and away we go

I planned to get up early this morning and get a run in before we set off for our family adventure but instead I woke up and finished making the sandwich spreads I was
too tired to finish last night.
The start of our annual Green Lake long weekend escape is always a production. Over the years we have had convoys with as many as six cars/campers/etc. This year we are just two families making the journey together. The rest of the travelers will trundle in to green lake over the next few
days depending on their work schedules etc.

Since the Summer of 2003 we have
spent the August long weekend at Green Lake. Years ago we added another tradition of stopping in Cache Creek at hungry herbies for burgers and onion rings....that was
one family tradition I wanted to part with. Driving from cache creek to green lake with a belly full of grease does not make for a comfortable ride for anyone!

So this year I took the bull by the horns and said enough is enough, which meant of course that there were sandwiches to be made. So this year we will stop in Cache Creek so the little ladies can burn off some energy but this year we will feast on fresh crab ( thanks Uncle John :) sandwiches, salmon and dill ciabattas and egg salad sandwiches. :))) much better
I say...and the kids...they don't really care what they eat as long as they are together.
The sun is shining! Let the road trip begin!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

good habits

I had an awesome spin class yesterday and was feeling so pumped after it was over I continued on to the gym for a short weight workout concentrating on arms and core. That jazzed up feeling continued to the car and when I pushed play on the cd it lingered loud. :).
I am hearing impaired and I always love a beat before I hear the lyric which is ironic given my admiration of the written word in whatever format.
When I hear a song I like I am not adverse to replaying that same song numerous times in order to figure out what they are saying. So it wasn't until the second play through of Jeremy Fisher's "cigarette" that i had the chorus down. Driving home from spinclass, hand strumming air guitar out the window, I sung along with gusto. I walked into the house singing the song and sure enough Grace and Rachel came
downstairs singing it too. So funny. I should have known their big sister would have already introduced them to it. If you haven't heard it check it out. And after listening to it celebrate all your good habits!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

sunny Sunday

Pileated woodpecker

Pileated woodpecker

This morning's run was an enjoyable 1 hour and 15 minutes :))...felt like a walk in the park after last weeks adventure. This week I begin the section of the training called the aerobic capacity phase...designed to increase the speed at which you can run with a focus on increased duration (better fat burning coming into play here...this is where we lean up a bit) and increasing speed at the high end of the aerobic zone.
I have used this training plan before with success and I am enjoying following it again this time around.

I am glad to be blogging again. I didn't tell u about the woodpecker on my long run a few weeks ago. I started off from home and ran down to Canada games pool. I spotted the woodpecker before he spotted me. He was only midway on the telephone pole for some odd reason but he saw me and flew away. I took a swing by the cemetery and you guessed it there he was again. I ran down to Burnaby Lake that day via North Road and came upon him again at the entrance to the trail. Once more as I climbed that brutal hill on Cariboo Road he pileated away on another telephone pole.
I was thrilled with the company and the flash of red throughout my journey. Since his second showing occured by the cemetery I of course will believe that Dad was missing me the way I miss him everyday and decided to say hello.
I sat down to write as soon as I got back from my run this morning so I have to get moving now and get breakfast ready. My sister and her husband are coming for breakfast. They recently uprooted from Winnipeg and are living just down the street from us now.
I will try to write a bit later. Ciao for now!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

tales from the trails

just FYI....I plan to blog and travel utilizing wifi where possible. I am going in search of a camera today and plan to take lots of pictures of the ladies discovering America...:).

true meaning of back

The nice thing about not having any followers on my blog page means I can get away with a statement like,"I'm back baby" then fade into oblivion for a month with no one the wiser. But of course that is the reason for the minimum fellowship.

dare I say it again....

I am definitely back when it comes to my training schedule. Had a glorious long run last week that took me all over town. No aches. No pains.

I have been busily preparing for our upcoming vacation and I am not looking forward to long runs in higher altitudes and hotter weather but I will have to suck it up. With careful planning at least all long runs will be followed by a swim in the lake or the pool depending on the location at the time.

Good news for me today. Over at Canadian Running magazine they had a ryders sunglasses slogan contest and I won a pair of shades! Hopefully I will get them before we take off.Canadian running

my slogan was ryders have taken me from fit to fabulous ...from low mileage to high
fives...from the back of the pack to the finish line....from cloudy
mornings to sunny afternoons!

enjoy the sun....