Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Becoming Different

The name for this blog came to me on one of those "moments of clarity" I  get when I run.  Often I will have ideas that run through my mind as my feet run their paces.  During my first  Marathon I planned an entire coffee shop/running business with my running partner that had us serving up lattes at the Runners Lounge.....:)....ah yes...moments of clarity, brilliant ideas but not often the gumption or dollars to bring the ideas to fruition.
When I came up with the name of the blog I was thinking about how much I enjoy running from home.  Often as runners we drive to our take off point and for the longest time now I have done almost all of my training at Burnaby Lake.  It is by far my favourite place to run.  The routes are straight forward, you can go short or long, and the scenery is spectacular no matter what the weather.
Since moving to the Moody Park area of New Westminster though, I find myself just wanting to run from home.  I love running through Queens Park and around the neighbourhoods.  There are some terrific hills for hill repeats and lots of scenic views of the Fraser River and the mountains. 
I enjoyed an awesome run with my sisters the other day.  We ran from the top of McBride Boulevard in New Westminster to Bonsor Recreation Complex in Burnaby and back. Covering just over 10.75 miles of terrain we were all feeling pretty good about our upcoming Half Marathon on February 13th.  Running from home has some added perks when you are a New Westminsterite....if you run down one of the royal streets of New West...you will happen upon a "thought of the day". Lovingly written in chalk on a blackboard hung for the perusal of passersby, a daily motivator for those of us who are enamoured of the written word.  The quote written couldn't have come at a better time for those of us becoming different.
Not sure if you can make it out but it says...
 “If you want things to be different, perhaps the answer is to become different yourself..” - Norman Vincent Peale
Tomorrow a little bit more about how I am becoming different myself...
Blaze a Trail...

Monday, January 17, 2011


Now don't get your runner laces in a knot....the title is not an attempt to lure new readers with a soft porn teaser.....
I'm talking mantras people!..I had a really nice fast paced run at Burnaby Lake on Saturday.....doing the loop in a respectable 49 minutes and finishing very strong and with the title words above ringing in my head.  I had found a new mantra;..stronger,harder,faster.
This months issue of Runner's World has a story on the magic of mantras and their importance to the runner....Finish Strong...Blaze a Trail....I am power....Things we tell ourselves to keep our bodies in gear and on track.  The brain is a powerful thing and words are a powerful tool to anyone, but especially to the athlete. 
I have been trying to focus on core strength and hoping to pick up my speed.  I was previously content to just finish, and I think this new mantra will help me embrace the change.  Stronger. Harder.Faster.
When I ran the Royal Victoria Marathon in 2008, I trained alone, I ran alone.  But I had a mantra.  Big League Jam.  It meant a lot to me.  On one of my long training runs I had a spectacular rolling wipe out down Cariboo Hill (if you don't know the hill it is fairly steep) that saw me sprawled on the cement looking up at the sky.  I got up and shook it off, rubbed some grass on the blood, and ran for another hour and a half.  Big league jam.
At the marathon in Victoria, New Balance was the title sponsor and they had their awesome love/hate campaign underway and a huge board in the street outside the store for marathoners to write their own love/hate.  I wrote mine ...hate injuries....love big league jam..
When I was running the marathon itself and approaching mile 19 and desperately trying to find that Big League Jam...there it was on the sign....19 mile marker.....hate injuries...love big league jam....I could have cried.  But I laughed and found some jam and carried on.
They sent me a shirt a few weeks after the race was done.  I guess it was a contest and I won.  But the real victory was the medal hanging in my car.  The real victory was reaching my goal, through hard work and training and perseverance   The real victory was the Personal Best time achieved.  That weekend in Victoria was very special to me.  I achieved all these things as a runner sure, but I also got to know me a little better along the way.  Can't wait to do it again this year!
Blaze a Trail.

Monday, January 10, 2011

To the Core

There were no Monday blues today.  The week started off with a bang and I am looking forward to the rest of the training as the half marathon gets closer.  I am enjoying running in this nice crisp cold weather.  Speaking of nice, crisp and cold, the ladies and I had a long discussion about apples when picking our lunch selection at the local produce store today.  So many varieties, colours and shapes.  Our in house favorite right now based on store availability is the Royal Gala.  I seriously love this apple.  You have to make sure you pick one with a nice shiny skin to ensure maximum crunchiness.  It is my favourite after workout snack.
I was thinking about another part of the apple tonight when I hit the gym.  The core.  Just like apples we all come in various shapes and sizes, and those of us blest with children have had our bellies stretched to the limit at one point or another, and a select few of us who were blest with twins.... well if I showed you a picture you would be mesmerized....but don't hold your breath.
A strong core is even more important to those of us over 40.   Core strengthening develops the muscles of the stomach, back and hips.  Bonus of course is a toned tummy but the benefits to the rest of our body are huge. On top of all the health benefits comes the added benefit of paving the way to our inner "stronger and faster" runner.  So spending time to strengthen your core is a "no brainer".
Tonight I tried a completely new core workout courtesy of Women's Health Magazine.  I managed to go through all the exercises and it was a really great workout.  I definitely felt the burn and I am going to continue doing these sets for awhile and see how I progress.  I did my regular routine on top of these exercises and started the whole session off with a 30 minute run on the treadmill
I know that the core exercises I have done to date have improved my running performances as well as my form.  I also know there is room for improvement.  If I keep it up, I might just transform this "mother of four tummy" to a washboard stomach by summertime.
Enjoy your apples.....and don't forget the core.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blue Sky and Sugar Blue

Gorgeous day out there!  I decided to come out of hiding finally.  My  sister posted a link to my blog on her very popular blog and I have to admit I cocooned.  It is funny because obviously when you blog, the whole point is for people to read your blog, but the thought of people other than family reading your blog can make you freak out a little bit.

Anyway....I'm back.

I have had a really good week of fitness in spite of the rainy weather.   I took my workouts indoors for the most part and I have been diligent about sticking to my schedule and gym routines.  Luckily the work gym allows me to take more than the normal allotted 30 minutes on the treadmill due to lack of users which is a big plus for me.

Yesterday my son Gavin had a game out at UBC.  He has to be at the game an hour before so I "geared up" and brought warm woollies to change into after the run.  I had a really nice run all around the UBC campus.  It was cold and crisp and beautiful.  I just followed my legs and ran 25 minutes away from the arena and then 25 minutes back.  I didn't hit the trails although I was sorely tempted, but instead just stuck to the roads.  I finished in time to change and take in his game.  Perfect way to multi-task.

This morning the girls had a game at Britannia Arena on Commercial Drive.  If it was not so early I would have enjoyed walking "The Drive" before the game and doing a little window shopping.  I settled for coffee instead and hunkered down in the bleachers with my warm fleece blanket.  Britannia wins the award for the coldest arena in town.
When we arrived home the older siblings were just rolling out of bed.  After everyone was settled in I headed out for my run around Burnaby Lake.  Absolutely spectacular there this morning.  Perfect running weather for a long run.  Crisp and cold and clear.
After ensuring that I as well as the family had enjoyed at least some of the winter sunshine I firmed up plans with my sister for an indoor outing that was all about ambiance.

I have often talked to my siblings about the music acts at The Yale and an opportunity arose to take in a show with my sisters today.   The Yale is known as the home of Vancouver's Rhythm and Blues and is renowned for playing host to some amazing talent.  Tonight's 5o'clock show featured Sugar Blue, who Rolling Stone magazine referred to as "one of the most foremost harmonica blowers in all of blues".  I was able to talk my sisters into taking in the show with me tonight and only wish we had rounded up more of our siblings as I know my brother Joel would have enjoyed the unbelievable sounds that came from that harmonica.  The only negative was the smoke smell in that old building.  Hard to shake.  We were able to enjoy the first set, as well as the eclectic crowd, before heading home.  Good fun for this "baby" sis to be able to introduce new experiences to the older sister. ;)
As it was I was home in time to enjoy a great movie with the girls.  We had watched it the night before but I had been only half watching as I folded laundry etc.  Grace sat me down when I got home tonight and said you have to watch this movie.  I am so glad she did.  Flipped is a Rob Reiner film with a great ensemble cast which includes Aidan Quinn (I have loved him since Reckless) and other familiar faces.  It is a coming of age story told from both sides of the coin.  Beautifully directed it is a wonderful tale of young love.
Only 35 more days until my half marathon.  I feel like I am doing everything right and so far no injuries. 
Blaze a trail!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Weighty Subjects

Going back to work is always tough after a long stretch that includes lots of family and downtime.  It is also welcomed by those who like to adhere to a schedule and enjoy the routine events that make up the work/school week.
I have had a lot of flexibility with my running schedule over the holidays and my weight training has not been consistent either.  So today I renewed my membership at my work gym for the full year.
It is such a great perk when companies or office buildings offer an on site gym.  Mine is so affordable.  For less than a Starbucks coffee a week I have full use of a facility complete with free weights, nautilus, bench press, treadmills, elliptical and bikes.  It also has a really nice shower and changing room as well as lockers.  The hours are great too as it is even open on the weekend.
Tonight I opted to come home first, get dinner on the table (homemade chicken soup - yum), and get the down low on the day. 
I headed to the gym after promising the twins I would be home in time to tuck them in and read them a story before lights out.  Their bedtime on school nights was a discussion at the dinner table tonight.  Grace broached the subject by saying, " I would like to propose an 8:30 bedtime".  I asked Rachel if they had discussed their approach prior to dinner and Rachel said, "I am completely in the dark here".  So funny.  And in actuality I just hadn't  really reevaluated.  It is not like they actually ever go to sleep at 8:00pm.  As twins who share a room they often chitchat back and forth and more than 4 nights out of 7 they end up falling asleep in the others bed, flashlights under the covers, writing notes back and forth.
After a debate that was mostly for show, the bedtime was extended to 8:30 and 9:00 on Glee nights

But back to the gym.  I had the entire gym to myself which was a bonus tonight.  My scheduled run for tonight was 6km at 6min km pace.  I did that on the treadmill at no incline.  Then using my ipod application for Women's Health, I did two new weight training workouts that I really enjoyed.  If you have an itouch or iphone I highly recommend downloading the Women's or Men's Health workouts.  The descriptions of the exercises are clear and the pictorials are helpful.  It also allows you to log your sets and look back at your history.  There is a stop watch in the app so you can do timed sets as well.

All in all a successful day back to the routine.  Home in time to read two chapters of Silverwing and tuck the little ladies in.  I even managed a little accidental siesta right after reading.

Hope you carved out your me time too.

Monday, January 3, 2011

I was going to post yesterday ..."Until this sun goes away...Blogging cancelled due to weather" but then Results for the Resolution Run were posted today and I am happy to say I shaved almost 2minutes and 30 seconds off my time.   Last years run was very wet, but it was freezing this year (-2) so let's just say I am very happy with my time of 41.25.  I was the 15th woman finished overall.  My sister was the 7th woman finished overall in an awesome time of 38.34.  Pretty good start to the year for the two of us.  The race report on the Peninsula Runners website makes a neat observation, "A couple of performances of note were the fine run by Lenore Montgomery at age 80 in 52:38 and Abbotsford's Callum Pilgrim running 38:28 at age 13. " A good start to the year for a lot of runners.

I did manage to get in two runs yesterday.  The first in the morning was a recovery run around Burnaby Lake.  Burnaby Lake is probably my favourite place to run.  It is relatively flat and excellent terrain making for a scenic recovery run. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning for a run. Perfectly chilled.  Beautiful scenery. 
When I arrived at the lake an elderly gentleman in a track suit came bounding down the road headed for the trail.  He slowed down as he saw me unravelling from the car, just setting up my ipod, putting my water belt on ; gearing up I like to call it.  I said , "Good morning" and smiled and he surprised me by not just saying good morning. ( I have to tell you that I often find when I am out for a long run I have moments of clarity. Ideas come to me (like the name of this blog) or I solve problems (like scheduling issues). ) The gentleman must have met with the same moments of clarity as he looked like he had been waiting for just the right runner to share with...He said with a strong accent , "It is a beautiful morning.  And we are out here enjoying it.  Just think of those poor people at home on the couch drinking more than 3 glasses of wine, eating too much food, watching  tv, everything to excess.  Instead you and I we choose to get out and exercise.  I am 74 years old..I run 14km three times a week, I go to the gym twice a week. I eat healthy.  Then I can drink the wine." I am sure I will see him again, and I am surprised I haven't seen him before. 
So keeping the track suit mans thoughts in my head when I returned home...I was happy to oblige the girls when they wanted to take their play date out on rollerblades.   After a respectable amount of time we headed out for another roller blade with the added company of their friend Delaney.  We went all the way to Queens Park and they played a bit there before roller blading back home to watch the gorgeous sunset.

While I agree with the track suit man's statement about excess, I also see the benefits in indulging, whether it be with what I call a "fluff" novel (my son recently treated me to the latest Maeve Binchy - definitely fun fluff) or "fluff"television (any reality tv show - leaning towards Housewives of New Jersey here).

I indulged big time last night in a splurge with all four kids to La Casa Gelato ( the last few times I have been disappointed with the actual product, probably because we recently tried Bella Gellateria and were won over by the freshness of the gelato there - but I love the picking, and the sampling, and watching as the kids decide what flavour they want, and the resigned looks on their faces when they see me always ordering the same "death by Mango on the bottom, licorice on the top" ).   Ice cream on a cold day.  Perfect way to end this Christmas vacation.

Today was all about packing up Christmas for another year.  Tree stripped.  Mantles dismantled.  Stockings stored.  Boxes packed.
As we begin the long haul from January to Easter and all of our schedules begin with earnest make sure you schedule your "me" time and don't forget to add some all important "fluff" - you choose the flavour.
Blaze a trail

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Resolution ......Run!

Rachel Before the Race
I am happy to say that I started 2011 off exactly the way I had hoped.  Although it was hard to get up this morning ( getting up later than originally planned) I still managed to get out the door, warm up my car (soooo cold), pick up my sister and get us to the Resolution Run on time this morning!  I know it didn't start until 10 so I shouldn't complain (but I did have a houseful last night - and Rock Band rocked the house until the wee hours - good thing I am deaf because I was able to tuck in before 2) but getting there felt like a huge part of the accomplishment today.

I have done this race a few times and always enjoy it.  It was nice to have my sister join me today as I am usually on my own.  Race times have not been posted and my gps was acting up in the cold so I will hold off on saying my time until it is posted.  I felt a lot slower than last year but have to wait and see.  Rachel and I both felt good about our runs on the slippery course (there was even a bit of snow).  My calves are sore, which is normal considering it was my first cross country run in awhile.  My calves aren't used to so much side to side, log jumping, rock avoiding.  But it is definitely a fun way to start the year.

I planned to come home and veg out and then prepare a lovely roast and yorkshire pudding dinner, but when I got home I realised I had forgotten to take the roast out. Settling on the idea of leftovers tonight, roast tomorrow I  had a nice soak in epsom salts, while the rest of the household was just waking up.  The ladies were up for an outing so I decided that the couch could wait and set out with the twins .

Our original destination was Deep Cove for Honeys doughnuts with a stop at Lynn Canyon Suspension Bridge...but Lynn Canyon was a zoo...everyone was there.  So instead we headed to Ambleside Park for a nice beach walk.  We enjoyed a nice play on the beach, and the three of us watched the first sunset of 2011 together. 
Perfect way to start the New Year.  Hope your introduction to the New Year was just as perfect.