Sunday, January 13, 2013

Time to run

The title suggests I might have stopped running during my time away from blogger... actually the running continues, I just haven't taken the time to jot down my trials and tribulations. I missed sharing my journey as well as the feedback from other runners so I am back. Time to run my mouth I guess you could say.

I recently took part in a trail running clinic put on by North Shore Athletic that culminated in a 24km race called the Phantom Run. The clinic was fantastic and I discovered a love of and appreciation for the challenges of trail running. Race day, however, showed me no love or mercy for that matter, serving up a torrential downpour with a side of horrible run for me. Since that run I have stuck to smaller distances and safer less challenging terrain. .

While I tuned down my mileage, I amped up my expectations for this years running goals. I signed up for the Pacific Roadrunner's First Half Marathon in February (with high hopes for a better looking shirt this year), as well as the BMO Vancouver Marathon in May ( with additional hopes that this years shirt is just as nice as the one I covet from last year).

This will be my first kick at the Vancouver Marathon since 2000. When I ran it then I had yet to have confirmation that the "flu-like symptoms" I was experiencing were the result of not one but two little future athletes percolating down below..:). In other words I was pregnant with twins. It was a hard run five hour distance. I would not tip my hat at a marathon again until the Victoria marathon in 2008. So the idea of running Vancouver again excites me, especially with the beautiful new to me route, showcasing much of Vancouver's beauty.

Today was my first long run for a while and to make it easier I enjoyed the company of two of my sisters. Frances put the call out for a sister run from English Bay to Spanish Banks and back. Rachel and I both responded with a YES!. Could we have picked a better day? It was cold to the bone but breathtakingly beautiful with the blue sky and mountains forming a backdrop that made it hard to concentrate on footwork.

Settled in now at home after a nice soak in Epsom salts, a gorgeous meal that I thoroughly enjoyed preparing and eating (Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding with all the trimmings). Yes settled in after a long run with no aches and pains. I have a good feeling about the training that lies ahead and I'm excited for the year of running to come. Happy trails!